Monday, December 6, 2010

Bajaj Allianz Fixed Deposit Scheme

insight in our book, D

Hall oils at all:)

watching, for now will disturb: D

So Lalle and I have a book for ages; D Meanwhile, we have scribbled present three or four books. Well, that Niveu decreases with each new book more. I thought I alternate now here a look a couple of 'images' from our book. And do not take everything seriously;)

has since painted Lalle Hanni

There has also painted Lalle Hanni.

has since painted Hanni Lalle.

has since re-painted Hanni Lalle

Mr. Okmar Okmar and you cats worm

Yes that was it. No, we not only write so 'ne disturbed things in our book. We also very intelligent conversations. Yes, up denni.

Love, Hannah.


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