Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Muvies En Espana En Espanol Gratis

[TAG] My first make-up tests

Bonjour Chics: *

tuuuuuuuuut me sad that we ned to post so very much, but I so Mimilein porcupine: D had a birthday. And then Chinese New Year. and SCHOOL ... -.- really. Description text from poems ... I think the teacher hacks NEN bissel. Really describe and write poems to four A4 sheets ... yes WOOOOW -.-. Tomorrow I will write up a first I'll get 4 pages, too loose ... well ...: D school had always been my favorite:). And I heutebin somehow so hyperactive. In class I laugh and cry about how disturbed, because my friends make it something to talk about stupid things. You notice ... that goes through a Mimilein: D haha but now the TAG. I've discovered it in Maria jaa invitation to join and has worked: D.

When did you make-up to ?
since my first pimple ... how old was I in the 6th grade ... 11? or 12? : D
What was the reason?
My sexy pimples ... who was so shy and always wanted to be abgedekct: D
Have you secretly painted or loose the parents had nothing against?
Ne had nothing against it:)
came Where did your make-up tips: friends, magazines, a la Bravo, girls and co. or simply tried?
Ne it the make-up tips from KokovonKosmo were back then:)
Were bought your first make-up products, given you or steals from mom?
gift. By Douglas Pinker such a case:)
Uses I look for my time (please include a brief explanation as color, brand, etc.).
Powder from Basic xxL shine lip gloss from Essence in 05 super girl and eyebrows also angel of Basic.
never have before NEM six months brought me one ... of the stuff I do not like time -.-
As I said, the powder of Basic: ) the brightest.
I had a range of Claire's in shades of brown. But only a bronze eyeshadow onto the eyelid and of course no Base: D
The mascara I got to know me 13 first half. But only water-resistant are:)
Such a gaaaaaaaaaanz cheaper by Tedi ...:' D
eyebrows -.- hate objects in my face made finished with 12: D
UNNECESSARY: D WHERE IS MAN DA PLEASE FRESH haha but today is not anything more:)
A shimmering tone of Florence like a Natural SET:)
What were your tools: finger, applicator brush or in fact already?
Have you made up for the school other than at night?
Jap:) dinner time schööööööön eye shadow on it: 'D What was your most embarrassing make-up no-go?
Ne fat lip gloss layer. Always the Pink of Essence. Since at least two layers had on the lips and it had to shine like I'd eaten something greasy, and of course the whole still in bright pink -.- Ugh
What product did you use most and would have we must never take you?
Abdeckzeug could never away:)

So I hope you like hats and I thank all participants in the draw ... The decision is difficult for us ...

your Mimi \u0026lt;3


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