Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Full Episode In Quicktime

First, the ol Lalle; D

Halli Hello my friends (:

I'm Laura and my nickname is Lalle
I am 15 years old and am in the 10th class b
Hannah is my best friend I've had for 3 years and will never give up (:. Moreover, We Klassenkameradinin. : D

time a picture; D

bit weird but anyway D

What I do like is: Hanni, Japan! , music, skating, ice skating, take photo's, go with Hanni in the yoga center and write history, lyrics, collect anime and sleep manga,: D, Naruto, Death Note, Taizé, and of course make-up (;

GG yes what to say to me: D So I'm a naive little girl, I give myself doofes to:.. hate D
also I have it wrong. B Sometimes (ok often) a bit difficult, but can sometimes be quite fond of b Oh .. you is simply your own opinion (;

your Lalle \u0026lt;3


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